Post scan update


I promised a short blog following our scan on Wednesday, so I will keep my promise and be succinct in my retelling.

Our car had been out of action for a while, genuinely that’s a long and grizzly, though humorous as times, story. But the long and short was that Husband was forced to work from home and accompany me to and from the hospital (rather than meet me there). And I’m glad he did as we had some debriefing to go through after!

Throughout the scan, Husband made all the right ooh and ahh noises. I stayed quiet as there was only one question on my mind. Is the bleed gone? The sonographer took her time before confirming that it had indeed absorbed! Honestly, that was the best news. I didn’t feel immediately safe, but I knew that the reality that I could start living normally again would kick in soon.

Then the other question. Would you like to know the gender?


She started to roll the monitor over me and I was sure I saw the three lines that indicate a girl, just as she said… It’s a boy, and a very proud one at that!

Consider me flabbergasted.

I lay there surprised. Husband started waffling… Are you sure?? We just assumed he was a girl! It’s like Sammy the cat all over again!

I don’t remember half of what he said but I do remember feeling like bursting out laughing at the ‘of course!’ of it all. This child has been playing with my brain since the start.

This blog is called the Honest Parent, so I won’t lie. I didn’t jump for joy. But neither did I sob. I felt shocked as opposed to disappointed. That may sound wrong to some of you, especially after we fought so hard for this baby, but I think it’s just the result of having pictured a single scenario for so long – any other outcome just seemed implausible.

The entire drive home we discussed names. What we discovered is that while the shock of having a boy passed quickly, the fight to find a name could go on until the birth date. If he had been a she, she may well have been called Peggy Rae Bass. Now she is a he we are stumped. We need a two syllable (or three) name to work with Bass. It can’t start with a B or a C and the initial sound can’t be Loo (i.e. Lewis, Lucas etc). We want a name that isn’t too standard, but we don’t like really wacky names either.

So. This is an open invite. Send us some names because we need all the help we can get.

To close this blog off, I feel it would be remiss of me not to share Nell’s reaction to the gender reveal. Honestly it was so dramatic, the evidence is going to have to be kept and played regularly for years. She has calmed down now but she is also insisting that he is a she today and refuses to consider boy names at all. I think she might have more to digest than us!

One thought on “Post scan update

  1. Rosemary Hayward

    We went for names that went out of fashion soon after we were born, so they’re all pretty unique, but more timeless than wacky. (2/3 with less than 100 named that in the same year) So go back through your male school friends and decide which names you could even contemplate!


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